I can't believe it has been a whole month since I blogged last. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Finals time is here and I am about to go home again. So much has happened yet some days it feels like nothing is happening.
God has been faithful throughout this entire time, though. (What a surprise, huh?) He has placed people in my life that encourage me and lift me up, especially when I need it the most (sometimes I don't realize how badly I need it!). How can you not believe and love Him?
Last Wednesday, Dana Rich and I went to Branson to finish our Christmas shopping and spend some time together before we each left for break. Earlier that day, I had been looking around online and saw an article about the meteor shower. Before I came to Springfield, I had never seen a shooting star. My freshman year was first experience. I had been stargazing with friends and feeling really alone and ready to leave when I saw my first shooting star. It was breathtaking! While Dana and I were driving back, I was just looking out the window when I saw a shooting star across the front of the windshield! I kept watching and saw another one outside my window. All I could think about was how can people see nature, other people, and circumstances and not see God in them? Some days are harder than others but He is always faithful. I may not understand what His plans are but I know (and he sometimes has to remind me of this) that He is in control and will do what is best for me. I just have to sit back and trust Him.