Constant Change

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Oh, What A Month!

Wow, it has been a while!! I started this post 3 weeks ago and am just now getting around to finishing and posting it!!

I went home a few weekends ago. It was so good to be at home with the family. The boys had grown so much and the house looks amazing (even without heat!). I needed the time away from school!

When I came back, it was time for all focus to be on planning Get-Your-Roommate-A-Date(GYRAD). We went on a picture scavenger hunt, went to Kaldi's Coffee House (where I got an amazing cup of hot apple cider!), and then my car load of people went to see the movie The Prestige. We didn't exactly get 1st place in the scavenger hunt, but we took some pretty sweet pictures that weren't on the list.

The end of GYRAD started the worst week ever!!!!! Well, it wasn't really bad. Just incredibly busy. All semester I have had very little homework and this week I had several big projects due. Added to that, I worked 25 hours at NY & Co., got a sinus infection that I am still down with, and still trying to be a good RA. Boy, was I glad when the weekend came!

Harvestfest was on Saturday and I went with the girls of my floor! Some of us dressed as a band and some were security (aka, the Mosh Squad). We had so much fun and went out to IHOP afterwards. I was a little excited about the idea of pumpkin pancakes...the chocolate chips ones I actually got were a HUGE disappointment!

Tattooes were never this painfree and sweet-looking. Mom, I am thinking about making this one permanant...what do you think??? I was also practicing my Zoolander model face...not too bad...

Sunday, October 15, 2006


I love Homecoming weekend! There is always so much to do and so many people to see! The Crusaders were victorious against the Ravens, which was exciting. Abby and I went to our church hayride/bonfire/apple orchard event after the game and then played Taboo and Imagine iff... at my friend Jeff's apartment.

I was surprised twice this weekend! The Caywoods came down to visit Micah this weekend and I ran into them at the Caf on Friday. It was really good to them again. My second surprise was on Saturday when I saw Diane Noce at the tailgate party before the football game. It is always so good to see people from home! Now, if I could only get my family to come and see me...(hint, hint!)

Next weekend I will be home for Fall Break, Praise Jesus!! I can't wait to see my family! There is so much to look forward to. Homemade applesauce, Mom's good cooking, seeing friends, hearing Dad speak at church, and hopefully seeing the fall colors. Aside from the people, the fall colors are what I miss most about Michigan. The countdown is on...

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Response

Tonight Walther First North responded to Scott First South's proposal. We are now, officially, brother and sister floors. Sweet. My girls and I snuck into their "floor meeting" and proceeded to raid and take custody of them. They were forced onto the front lawn where they had to answer questions and take the consequences if they answered wrong (and sometimes when they answered right). We made them sing the song they wrote to propose to us before we officially answered them and gave them Stella, our bearded gnome. It was amazing.

Jerrilyn, my floor president, and I went to my friend's apartment to bake brownies and cookies for everyone. I made the cookies from scratch and realized that I must have more of my grandma in me than I thought, because they tasted fantastic! Just like when we would make cookies at Grandma Burkhart's house! Yea! As you can see, I haven't changed much since then. I still eat the dough...


Gina Rentschler spoke at tonight's hall praise and worship. She never ceases to amaze me. Tonight she spoke about God being described by two very small words that encompass so much. Am. In. The definition for each of these can be so deep. God is everything. He is so much more complex than we can even imagine. And amazingly enough, he wants to be in us. Why are we so afraid of that happening? Why can't we give up complete control and surrender to him? Is it a sacrifice to do so? A song we sing in chapel says that it is no sacrifice, but there are some things that I think are a huge sacrifice to give over to God. The things we care most about are the very things we struggle to give to God. I know. I struggle with that everyday. Maybe someday I will get it right.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

No Good at Blogging

I am not so good at remembering to blog!! I think about blogging, but then I get distracted by something and next thing I know, I can't remember what I was going to write about! So today, I have decided to write about my recent conversations with my 2 year old nephew Noah.

"Hi Noah!!"
"Hi Nina!"
"I love you, Noah"
"Wub you, Nina"
"Where is Joaquin?"
"Nina fishy! Joaquin fish! Joaquin at Nina house at school?"
"Noah, you should come see Nina at her house at school"
Noah takes the phone near Alaina and tells her:
"Noah bye-bye. Noah go see Nina house at school?" (My house at school is a dorm room in Missouri...Noah is in Michigan)
"What are you doing, Noah?"
"Noah fan. Fan go round and round. Fan fast!"
"Is the fan oscillating, Noah?"
"Fan oscilltating!!"

I miss this little guy...