Vacation Is Over...
My unintentional vacation from the land of the blog is officially over. I would like to say that not much has happened since I last blogged, but I would be mistaken. Somedays, though, it felt like nothing was going on!
I have finished my student teaching...YEA! I have received my diploma from Evangel...YEA! I am not teaching...YEA-wait, what??? Yes, it is true. 4 and a half years later, armed with a college degree and a teaching certificate...I am not doing any related to my degree! It is okay, though. I feel like God is leading me down a different path right now and I am excited to see where it leads, first of all, because if He is dealing with it, I don't have to, and secondly, His plan is better than mine (shocking, I know!). After several weeks of worrying and panicking, I finally really listened to what God was trying to tell me and decided to stop pursuing teaching (I kept hitting a brick wall with the local districts...gee...I wonder why?). As soon as I started looking at other options, doors started flinging wide open. Well, maybe not wide open, but at least cracked! In what was supposed to take about 2 months but was really 2 weeks to the day, I applied, tested, interviewed, and accepted a position at the Assemblies of God Headquarters in Springfield, MO. I am working there full time as a Contribution Control Clerk/Administrative Assistant in Contributor Services. So next time you are in Springfield and decide to visit HQ, stop by the 2nd floor!