Oh, What A Month!

I went home a few weekends ago. It was so good to be at home with the family. The boys had grown so much and the house looks amazing (even without heat!). I needed the time away from school!
When I came back, it was time for all focus to be on planning Get-Your-Roommate-A-Date(GYRAD). We went on a picture scavenger hunt, went to Kaldi's Coffee House (where I got an amazing cup of hot apple cider!), and then my car load of people went to see the movie The Prestige. We didn't exactly get 1st place in the scavenger hunt, but we took some pretty sweet pictures that weren't on the list.

The end of GYRAD started the worst week ever!!!!! Well, it wasn't really bad. Just incredibly busy. All semester I have had very little homework and this week I had several big projects due. Added to that, I worked 25 hours at NY & Co., got a sinus infection that I am still down with, and still trying to be a good RA. Boy, was I glad when the weekend came!
Harvestfest was on Saturday and I went with the girls of my floor! Some of us dressed as a band and some were security (aka, the Mosh Squad).

Tattooes were never this painfree and sweet-looking. Mom, I am thinking about making this one permanant...what do you think??? I was also practicing my Zoolander model face...not too bad...